Green viber icon
Green viber icon

This icon is provided as CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication. (for example, a link back to their website). Need this icon in another color Change the color from the Custom Hex color form on the right 3.63 out of 5 +57K +100K Tags: site logo icons viber icons Don't hotlink to this icon. The license to see if the designer is requesting attribution This icon can be used for both Personal &Ĭommercial purposes and projects, but please check jag Sketches of the bens oud ( borrater of the Spanish English lay Icon Moria Williams. Converting it to an ICO, JPEG or WebP image format or file type should also be pretty simple (we hope to add that feature to Iconduck soon). Printed for Longman, idurai, Kees, Orine, brusn, & Green. If you need this icon available in another format, it should be pretty straight forward to download it as an SVG image file, and then import it into apps like Adobe Photoshop, Canva, Pablo or Visme. Authentic branding (both name and icon) Why am I seeing this banner within the top of the message. It's part of the icon set " Breeze Icons Library", which has 4,789 icons in it. Here are the four ways to clearly distinguish Service Messages: Green V marking.

green viber icon

It's available to be downloaded in SVG and PNG formats (available in 256, 512, 10 PNG sizes). Related searches Logo Social Brand Network Phone Bubble Platform.

green viber icon

If the badges are not appearing you can turn them. This icon is named "viber" and is licensed under the open source GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 license. When you receive an app notification, a badge will appear next the apps icon to let you know to check it.

Green viber icon